Contemporary Educational Researches Journal <p><strong>Contemporary Educational Researches Journal (CERJ)</strong> is an international peer-refereed journal that promotes the researches in the field of contemporary and innovative education practices and research involving educational administration, assessments and evaluations, guidance and counseling in schools, educational technology, curriculum, learning environments, social and psychological issues of education, subject areas of teaching and learning, special education and teaching and learning approaches and theories.</p> <p><strong>Basic Rules</strong></p> <p>1) The Contac author must be one of the <strong>article authors</strong>. Other than the authors, no one else can submit the article. <strong>It is immediately rejected</strong>.</p> <p>2) Make sure that issues about publication ethics, copyright, authorship, figure formats, data, and references format have been appropriately considered.</p> <p>3) Ensure that all authors have approved the content of the submitted manuscript. Once a manuscript has been submitted, no author changes, additions or reductions can be made. In that case, the manuscript will be <strong>rejected at any stage</strong>.</p> <p>4) An author can publish a maximum of two articles per year.</p> <p>5) Manuscripts submitted to CERJ Journal should neither been published before nor be under consideration for publication in another journal or conference.</p> <p>6) An article can have a maximum of six (6) authors.</p> <p align="justify">No article submission, processing or publication charge is required. All accepted manuscripts will be published free of cost.</p> <p align="justify"><em>The journal is under the review of Scopus and Web of Science. If the journal is accepted to be indexed, your article will also be included in these indexes.</em></p> BIRLESIK DUNYA YENILIK ARASTIRMA VE YAYINCILIK MERKEZI en-US Contemporary Educational Researches Journal 2301-2552 <p>Authors who publish with this journal agree to the following terms:<br><br></p> <ol type="a"> <li class="show">Authors retain copyright and grant the journal right of first publication with the work simultaneously licensed under a&nbsp;<a href="" target="_new">Creative Commons Attribution License</a>&nbsp;that allows others to share the work with an acknowledgement of the work's authorship and initial publication in this journal.</li> <li class="show">Authors are able to enter into separate, additional contractual arrangements for the non-exclusive distribution of the journal's published version of the work (e.g., post it to an institutional repository or publish it in a book), with an acknowledgement of its initial publication in this journal.</li> <li class="show">Authors are permitted and encouraged to post their work online (e.g., in institutional repositories or on their website) prior to and during the submission process, as it can lead to productive exchanges, as well as earlier and greater citation of published work (See&nbsp;<a href="" target="_new">The Effect of Open Access</a>).</li> </ol> The Learning Potential of the Alliance Between Theatre and Digital Games <p>The affinities, interaction, and cross-fertilization of theatre art with games date back at least to the early modern period. However, since the 1990s, a pronounced and promising interconnection has been fostered between theatre and digital games, in theory, and practice, manifesting in fields like theater in education. In the present paper, we set forth some of the key constitutive elements of the said interconnection, underlining the benefits of studying digital gaming using theater as a basic reference model. Next, we turn to the affordances of the theatre-digital games alliance for the theatre and its reception by a diverse public. Finally, we discuss the presence of the said alliance in learning environments, zooming in on a few well-documented and effective methods through which it has been integrated into the praxis of theatre in education.</p> <p><strong><em>Keywords:</em></strong> Digital games; performance; theatre; theatre in education</p> Aikaterini Delikonstantinidou Copyright (c) 2024 Contemporary Educational Researches Journal 2024-05-20 2024-05-20 14 2 69 78 10.18844/cerj.v14i2.9310 Is Indonesia's ELT Implementation Already Aligned with the Concept of 21st Century Language Teaching? <p>The 21st century demands that students acquire the 4C’s skills so that they can face future challenges. In that case, English teachers have to select particular teaching methods or techniques to assist the students in sharpening their 4C skills. Therefore, to make the teaching relevant and effective, teachers should understand the notion of 21st-century language teaching and implement particular teaching methods and strategies that suit their needs. This research is aimed at examining if English language teaching in Indonesia has turned to the ideas of 21st-century education based on the student’s point of view. To seek the answer, this research employed a descriptive-qualitative approach. There were 58 secondary student participants from public and private schools. A survey, documents, and FGD were used as the instruments to collect the data. The data were transcribed, coded, and analyzed using thematic analysis. The findings revealed that many of our English language teaching practices in Indonesia were still conducted with a teacher-centered approach, focused on language components rather than sharpening their holistic knowledge, and rarely integrated with technology. In conclusion, based on the students’ perspectives, ELT in their schools has not tuned to the notion of 21st-century education. It was indicated by three reasons discussed in the study.</p> <p><strong><em>Keywords:</em></strong> ELT; Language; Learning; Perspectives; Students; Teaching.</p> <p> </p> Tri Achmad Efendi Wisnu Kristanto Copyright (c) 2024 Contemporary Educational Researches Journal 2024-05-20 2024-05-20 14 2 79 89 10.18844/cerj.v14i2.9313 The effect of a Realistic Mathematics Education (RME) approach and reasoning ability on students' conceptual and procedural understanding <p>This research aimed to test the conceptual understanding and procedural understanding of mathematics in groups of students who have high reasoning abilities and low reasoning abilities by following the RME approach and lecture method. This research used a 2X2 factorial quasi-experimental design with the independent variables being the RME approach and the lecture method. Data collection was carried out using tests of reasoning ability, conceptual understanding, and procedural understanding instruments. The pretest and posttest data were analyzed using the MANCOVA test. Based on the results of the research there is a significant difference in the conceptual understanding and procedural understanding of mathematics in groups of students who have high reasoning abilities and low reasoning abilities by following the RME approach and lecture method. Based on the results of this research, it was concluded that using the RME approach and high reasoning abilities can improve the conceptual understanding and procedural understanding of mathematics for class VII students. This research implies that the RME approach can be used as a way to improve students' conceptual understanding and procedural understanding of mathematics.</p> <p><strong><em>Keywords</em></strong><em>:</em> Conceptual understanding; mathematics; procedural understanding; reasoning ability; RME approach.</p> <p> </p> Wawan Gunawan Sunyoto Hadi Copyright (c) 2024 Contemporary Educational Researches Journal 2024-05-20 2024-05-20 14 2 90 102 10.18844/cerj.v14i2.9318 Effect of outdoor learning inquiry-based activities on learners performance in science: A sequential explanatory design <p>This study aimed to determine the effect of Outdoor Learning Inquiry-Based Activities (OLIBA) on the performance of grade 5 students in science. A sequential explanatory mixed methods design was used in the study. The respondents were the 180 grade 5 students from the representative divisions in Region XI. Sixty (60) grade 5 students from each division namely Davao Occidental, Tagum City, and Davao City were considered as respondents. The study utilized two instruments; the standardized test and the researcher-developed interview guide. The statistical tools employed were Mean and standard deviation and Independent Samples t-test. The results revealed the pretest performance of the students in the experimental and control groups in the three divisions was described as fairly satisfactory. Also, the students in the experimental group demonstrated an outstanding performance in the posttest due to the use of OLIBA while the control group registered a very satisfactory performance with the use of the traditional style of teaching. The result of qualitative analysis of participant's experiences in the pretest revealed similarities in content difficulty. After the implementation of OLIBA, both pupils and teachers revealed similarities in knowledge acquired and engagement due to OLIBA.</p> <p><strong><em>Keywords:</em></strong> Inquiry-based; learners; outdoor learning; performance; sequential explanatory</p> Maria Liza I. Berandoy Glen L. Villonez Copyright (c) 2024 Contemporary Educational Researches Journal 2024-05-20 2024-05-20 14 2 103 119 10.18844/cerj.v14i2.9327