Effectiveness of strategy instruction for vocabulary learning: a narrative review

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Nowadays, it is strongly irrefutable that vocabulary skills founds the stepping-stone to  language learning and should be at the epicenter of language education, in re to the fact that much cannot be implied without grammar; nothing can be imparted without vocabulary. Understanding the key notions of how vocabulary is acquired can help language teachers be able to dispense more realistic and effective vocabulary teaching. With this thought in mind, it is crucial to acquaint students with vocabulary learning strategies (VLS) so that they can do this more effectively. With the expansion of research on vocabulary learning strategy instruction, the question to be posed is whether training on strategies will culminate in improvement in language learners or not. Thus, based on the significance ascribed to teaching vocabulary learning strategies in the process of language learning, the present paper seeks to cull evidences and scour the effectiveness of teaching vocabulary learning strategies.


 Keywords: Vocabulary, vocabulary learning, strategy training for vocabulary learning.


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How to Cite
Effectiveness of strategy instruction for vocabulary learning: a narrative review. (2016). Contemporary Educational Researches Journal, 5(2), 47–54. https://doi.org/10.18844/cerj.v5i2.234


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