Examining school variables affecting PISA 2012 math achievement in Turkey and Shanghai-China

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Mustafa Kale


The main purpose of the research is to examine school variables that have effect on Programme for International Student Assessment (PISA) 2012 math achievement in Turkey and Shanghai-China. The research was designed in casual comparison model. Research population was constituted by student in age group of 15 in Turkey and Shanghai-China in 2012.The sample consists of 4848 students and 170 schools in Turkey and 5177 students and 155 schools in  Shanghai-China that participated in PISA 2012. Two-leveled Hierarchical Linear Modelling (HLM) was used to analyze data because the data collected in PISA 2012 had a hierarchical data structure. As a result of analysis, variability in math scores, 63% in Turkey and  47% in Shanghai-China, was found due to the difference between the mean math scores of schools. It was determined that  MACTIV, SCMATEDU and TCMORALE in Turkey and MACTIV, in Shanghai-China statistically affect on math achievement.


Keywords: PISA, school administration, school variables, HLM


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How to Cite
Kale, M. (2017). Examining school variables affecting PISA 2012 math achievement in Turkey and Shanghai-China. Contemporary Educational Researches Journal, 6(4), 167–174. https://doi.org/10.18844/cerj.v6i4.586


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