Development of the idea of an innovative school in Latvia (case study)

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This paper analyzes Latvian school experience within the Innovative School program organized by Microsoft Latvia.  A research has been done in one of the schools in Latvia, Kurzeme Region with the aim to find out the understanding and willingness of teachers, students and parents to implement innovative school ideas at their school. The quantitative method of data collection questionnaire has been used to do the research. The survey revealed that the focus in creating the innovative school model should be on the improvement of teachers’ qualifications, their foreign language and information technology skills; 47% of students’ parents consider it appropriate to introduce teaching of the third foreign language at elementary school to improve the learning content/curriculum.


Keywords: innovative school; school of the future; essential guidelines for innovative school development.


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How to Cite
Development of the idea of an innovative school in Latvia (case study). (2017). Contemporary Educational Researches Journal, 7(2), 81–87.


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