Strategic implementation of outcome-based education

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Ellysa Tjandra
Ridi Ferdiana
Sri Suning Kusumawardani


The paradigm of higher education in Indonesia is currently changing to Outcome-Based Education,  which focuses on the curriculum's accomplishment of student outcomes. Measurement of the degree of learning accomplishment in a course requires the use of a learning outcome attainment method, and providing student skills achievement reports in programming courses is crucial to improving student success in computer science study programs. This study proposes a standardized learning outcome measurement technique to provide a comprehensive course learning outcome attainment with student skills categorization, and course success level, after conducting an interview, focused group discussion, and evaluations with experts. This method includes performance indicators and acceptance criteria via Course Learning Outcome value, Course Learning Outcome level, Course Success Rate level, and student skills, which operate at the study program's course level. The researchers performed the overall attainment process using the direct attainment method. The measurement model proposed has been successfully accepted and implemented in 7 study programs in 11 universities in Indonesia.

Keywords: Attainment; course outcome; outcome-based education; student categorization; student skills.



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How to Cite
Tjandra, E., Ferdiana , R. ., & Kusumawardani , S. S. . (2024). Strategic implementation of outcome-based education. Contemporary Educational Researches Journal, 14(2), 120–132.