Tactile communication design for visually impaired people: Tactile magazine page

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Arzu Gurdal Dursin
Aysegul Gurdal Pamuklu


This study was designed tactile communication design products for the visually impaired. In this study, it is aimed to enable visually impaired people to be aware of the animate, moving and changing life. As a method, the visually impaired were interviewed about problems. Answers were sought for the following open-ended questions. 1.   Are there any advertising posters and brochures designed for you around where you live? 2.   Through which tools are you informed by the advertisements and notifications? 3.   If there were tactile advertisement and bulletin boards designed for you outdoors, would you use them? 4.   If the billboards at the bus stops were designed for you with annotated tactile signs, how much useful would they be? 5.   Would you use them if there were informative advertisements and notifications placed on the stair railings? 6.   Would you read if there was a part for you at the daily newspapers and magazines? The interviews were analyzed and analytical materials devoted to the problems were produced. The visual images which are visual communication materials and posters, billboards, notice boards which are made by using visual typography were redesigned by using tactile images and Braille alphabet. While the products were being designed, designing products were used. For the printing process, special prints were used which can make embossed printing with hot pressing.  As a result; the produced tactile products were presented to the visually impaired people. About these sample products, the visually impaired people stated that by means of such beneficial initiatives, they feel themselves not drifted away from society and besides with the help of these kinds of products; they feel like they are considered important and present in this society. By the help of such tactile communication designs which are made and will be made, the visually impaired people will find themselves in ordinary daily life and they will be able to get rid of their existing feeling of insufficiency. It is thought that, these kinds of studies will prevent them from cutting their social ties with the society.

Keywords: tactile communication design, tactile graphics design, tactile infographics


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How to Cite
Dursin, A. G., & Pamuklu, A. G. (2015). Tactile communication design for visually impaired people: Tactile magazine page. Global Journal of Design Art and Education, 5(2), 61–66. https://doi.org/10.18844/gjae.v5i2.247
Design and Arts