A studio experience for a new building design in Sivas Hollukluk Street

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Pinar Koc
Ugur Tuztasi


The aim of the study is to develop new design insights with regard to a new building in the historical environment of Sivas in Central Turkey. For this purpose, traditional houses located on a main road known as Hollukluk Street in Sivas have been chosen as the study area and a method focusing on the concept of reference is applied within a studio setting. Consequently, design insights have been developed by analysing the study area on mass organisation, spatial organisation, frontal texture, tectonic fiction and compactness relations in terms of street texture. In this practice, it has been observed that the students tend to refer to the entrance axis as a design guide, use the horizontal and vertical lines of the mass and refer to the new design with reference to the tectonic components. The outputs of the studio are formed in terms of four design insights which are shared in the findings section. As a result, design information produced from context-defined practice was used as the constituent elements of the formal structure in the new building, and these also contributed to the improvement of the street silhouette within the existing built environment.

Keywords: Architectural studio, design, historical environment of Sivas, new building


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How to Cite
Koc, P., & Tuztasi, U. (2020). A studio experience for a new building design in Sivas Hollukluk Street. Global Journal of Design Art and Education, 10(2), 138–156. https://doi.org/10.18844/gjae.v10i2.4641
Design and Arts