Insurance Education in Universities of Turkey

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The instinct of preservation of life caused the concept of insurance to be formed which is developing and keeping its existence since the very first ages to these days. Insurance sector that is related with the level of welfare of society, has presented the importance of conceptual and applied science in matter of determining the risks, examining and detecting the damage that may come out. It is an unavoidable necessity to develop quantity and quality of insurance education parallel to the development in the sector. Employment is divided into five sub groups in insurance sector. These sub groups are: technical staff, expert, actuary, broker and company staff. More than 55000 employees are taking place in these sub groups and one quarter of them are needed to be educated directly in insurance, risk and actuarial. So the importance of the insurance education is very clear when these factors are taken into account.  Insurance education is provided by formal education vocational high schools, 2 year junior technical collages, 4 year collages, bachelor and graduate schools in our country. In service education about insurance is provided by Insurance Education Center (SEGEM) which is founded in October of 2008 in accordance with 5684th law,      subject 31. In this study, education programs about insurance in Turkey will be examined and “Course Plan†comparison will be made among each other.


Keywords: Insurance; Education; Risk


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How to Cite
Insurance Education in Universities of Turkey. (2016). Global Journal of Business, Economics and Management: Current Issues, 6(1), 44–51.


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