The Ukrainian-Russian war and its economic effects on food security in the Arab world

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Sundus Jasim Shaaibith
Slim Mahfoudh


The start of the Russian-Ukrainian conflict and the harsh sanctions imposed on Russia by the West have led to serious worries for the security of food in the Arab world. This study examines the degree to which Arab nations rely on imports of wheat, maize, fertilizer, and wheat flour from Russia and Ukraine, emphasizing the difficulties that may arise from long-term disruptions in these supply networks. Food security concerns have already been made worse by the conflict's already unheard-of price increases for fertilizers and wheat. This analysis highlights the urgent necessity for national emergency programs and complementing Arab policies to address these effects given the Arab region's considerable reliance on these imports, which account for substantial sections of Russia's and Ukraine's total exports. The study intends to define food security, investigate its dimensions and drivers, and investigate the role of technology in reducing supply-demand gaps through an extensive literature analysis. It also aims to showcase the accomplishments of Arab nations in this area and offer doable suggestions to improve food security in the face of the current crisis.

Keywords: Economy; food security; policies; Ukrainian-Russian war


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How to Cite
Shaaibith, S. J. ., & Mahfoudh, S. . (2024). The Ukrainian-Russian war and its economic effects on food security in the Arab world. Global Journal of Business, Economics and Management: Current Issues, 14(2), 106–118.