The Practice of Service Quality: Hotel Case

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Gülten Yurtseven
Zehra Muluk


The service sector differs from the goods sector with its own characteristics. The service quality has an abstract structure since the services include abstract qualities. Therefore "perceived service quality" term is used instead of the quality of service. Perceived service quality is the perception difference as a result of evaluation process in which the expectations of consumer about performance of service before use and the real service experience after use. Perceived service quality should meet or exceed the expectations of consumer to be considered as satisfactory. The satisfaction from service increases as the service quality increases and thus the demand of consumer to reuse the service increases. That is to say, ensuring the consumer satisfaction in the hotel administration has an important role for consumers to prefer the same enterprise and the enterprise ensuring the consumer satisfaction has a great advantage in competition or keeps itself out of the price competition by increasing its service quality in this sector including significant demand fluctuations. Thus, enterprises ensure the increased efficiency, reduced costs and continuous employment of personnel in the enterprise.


Key Words: Total Quality Management (TKY), Hotel administrations, Quality


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How to Cite
Yurtseven, G., & Muluk, Z. (2016). The Practice of Service Quality: Hotel Case. Global Journal of Business, Economics and Management: Current Issues, 6(1), 20–34.