Introducing a software to calculate the grade and ore deposit probability related problems
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Different  cut-Ââ€off  grades  are  usually  considered  for  an  ore  deposit  through  feasibility  study  step  and  according  to  the  distribution  model,  corresponding  tonnage  of  ore  reserve  for  each  assumed  cut-Ââ€off  grade  is  determined.  Obviously,  each  determined  tonnage  of  ore  reserve  has  its  individual  mean  grade.  Thus,  the  tonnage  of  ore  reserve  and  the  mean  grade  of  each  hypothetical  cut-Ââ€off  grade  may  be  demonstrated  as  grade-Ââ€tonnage  curve.  The  tonnage  of  ore  reserve  and  the  mean  grade  corresponding  to  each  desirable  cut-Ââ€off  grade  can  be  determined  using  alternative  approaches.  A  simple  method  well-Ââ€suited  to  grades  having  normal  distribution  has  been  taking  advantage  of  probability  tables  and  charts  prepared  based  on  some  mathematical  relations.  Based  on  the  expanded  concept  of  methodology  involved,  in  this  work  it  was  attempted  to  provide  software  by  means  of  which  the  tonnage  and  grade  can  be  determined  and  the  probability  may  be  analyzed  and  calculated.  Input  dataset  analysis  of  less  time  and  more  accuracy  can  be  indicated  as  benefits  of  this  approach  while  manual  operation  is  certainly  time-Ââ€consuming  and  of  less  precision.  Â
Keywords:  Normal  distribution,  Mean  grade,  probability,  Tonnage  of  ore  reserve.  Â
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