Remote Control Of A Serial Manipulator Using Depth Camera Short Article

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Karakaya Suat


In this study, a serial robot arm was manipulated in real time using a depth sensor. Xbox-Kinect sensor is used as depth sensor. Kinect data was transferred to an industrial computer and processed. A three-axis serial robot arm was developed, and experiments were carried out on this developed prototype in real time. The drive of the three-axis robot is provided with RC servo motors and these motors are controlled by Arduino Uno R3 board. To find the joint angles, the image obtained from the Kinect camera has evolved into a skeleton form through the image processing program developed in the ARDUINO-Processing environment. Vector elements are defined on the human limbs of which posture is to be calculated. The angles between the limbs were obtained by applying trigonometric operations to these vectors. The reference angles were sent to the Arduino Uno R3 board, and the servo motors that provide the movement of the robot were controlled according to these angle values and the movement of the system was ensured. As a result of the experiments, it has been observed that the robot arm can imitate the movements made instantly.


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How to Cite
Suat , K. . (2023). Remote Control Of A Serial Manipulator Using Depth Camera: Short Article . Global Journal of Computer Sciences: Theory and Research, 13(2), 121–130.