Assessment of readiness for learning and academic success on computer assisted learning: A study on computer integrated manufacturing with lathe

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Betül Erdoğdu Åžakar
İnci Zaim Gökbay
Adem Karahoca


With the improvements in technology, computers are being used for assistance in learning and teaching in different fields. Therefore, Computer Assisted Learning is used for our study to teach operating computer numerical controlled lathe machine in computer integrated manufacturing lab. Our education is planned in major phases: traditional teaching and computer assisted learning. Before the education students took a questionnaire with different subscales to determine the level of readiness for learning. And after the education they took a test on operating the lathe machine to measure the success of the education. Then the students were asked to design a project. This education is a comprehensive one and it is not always possible to make all students use the lathe machine since there can be some issues on safety, time management and waste of products. So with this study it is intended to determine the effect of readiness for learning and academic success on the students and give this education accordingly. A dichotomous classification problem is constructed with the subscales of readiness for learning questionnaire and academic success as features and lathe test result as class labels. Consequently, a model that can determine whether a student would be successful in learning to operate the lathe machine with the subscales of the readiness for learning questionnaire (motivation, health – nutrition, learning, planned working, efficient reading, writing, listening, note taking, attending a course, preparation and attending an exam) and GPA is constructed with Support Vector Machines and leave-one-out cross validation.



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Åžakar, B. E., Gökbay, İnci Z., & Karahoca, A. (2016). Assessment of readiness for learning and academic success on computer assisted learning: A study on computer integrated manufacturing with lathe. Global Journal of Information Technology: Emerging Technologies, 6(1), 94–106.


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