Message from Editor in chief

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Ezgi Pelin Yildiz


Dear Reader,

The New Year promises many exciting developments for the Global Journal of Information Technology: Emerging Technologies (GJIT). The number of citations per year continues to rise to commensurate with the increase in article dissemination. As such, we would like to thank all our authors who have supported our journal’s success.

In this new issue, articles by different authors from different countries have been reviewed: Australia, Pakistani, Turkey, Brazil.  As a global oriented journal, multiculturalism makes us happy in every new issue.  We examined the following research areas in the current issue; “Educational Data Mining, Assessment of Academic Achievements, The Challenges and Opportunities of Artificial Intelligence (AI), Game Playing Preferences, Interaction and Communication Technologies in Higher Education”.

   Undoubtedly, the Covid 19 pandemic has affected our journal as well as all fields of study. We predict that the number of articles in our issues will increase after the pandemic period. We will continue to contribute to the literature within the scope of Educational Technologies with our strong team. Thanks to all the contributors in this issue.

 Assistant Prof. Dr. Ezgi Pelin Yildiz , Editor-in-chief

Global Journal of Information Technology: Emerging Technologies


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How to Cite
Yildiz, E. P. (2021). Message from Editor in chief. Global Journal of Information Technology: Emerging Technologies, 11(2). Retrieved from
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