Religious education and multiculturalism in Norwegian curriculum

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Recep Onal
Fatih Yavuz


Norway whose economy burgeoned with the discovery of the new petroleum and natural gas resources through the end of the 1960’s, has reached a level of prosperity by allocating more funds into education, health and social security and started to allow in immigrants. Through these immigrants’ various religions, beliefs and cultures were adopted and Norwegian society turned into a multicultural society. This unfolding of events let the Norwegian administrators foresee the need to develop a new religious curriculum that also included the religions other than Christianity. In this paper the importance and historical development of religious curriculum was inspected in context of multiculturalism.

Keywords: Norway, religious curriculum, Christianity, multiculturalism


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How to Cite
Onal, R., & Yavuz, F. (2017). Religious education and multiculturalism in Norwegian curriculum. Global Journal of Sociology: Current Issues, 7(1), 63–68.
Author Biographies

Recep Onal, Faculty of Theology, Balikesir University, 10145, Balikesir, Turkey

Asst. Prof. In  Faculty of Theology Of Balıkesir University Departmant of Islamic Theology and History of Islamic Sects Balıkesir/Turkey

Fatih Yavuz, Necatibey Education Faculty, Balikesir University, 10145, Balikesir, Turkey

Necatibey Education Faculty, Balikesir University, 10145, Balikesir, Turkey