Message from Editor

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Dear Readers,
It is the great honor for us to publish seventh volume, first issue of Global Journal of Sociology: Current Issues (GJSOC).
Global Journal of Sociology: Current Issues welcomes original empirical investigations and comprehensive literature review articles focusing on sociological issues. The scope of the journal, but is not limited to the following major topics as child, youth and old age, communication and art, culture and changes, deviance and social control, economy and development, education, ethnic relations, human rights and collective good, gender and human rights, identity, image and social cohesion, localization and globalization, organizations, professions and work, political sociology and law issues, social security and public health, sociology of marriage and family, sociology of population and migration, sociology of religion, collective behavior and social movements and theoretical, comparative and historical studies.


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How to Cite
Message from Editor. (2018). Global Journal of Sociology: Current Issues, 8(1), I.