The evaluation of scholar fatigue phenomenon and some factors that cause it on a group of teenagers from Iasi

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Scholar fatigue should be carefully evaluated to be able to interfere when needed. Goals: the evaluation of differences/similarities regarding fatigue at pupils studying at different. High schools. Material and methods: the study was done on a group of 237 teenagers studying at 3 different high schools in Iasi: Sport high school (75 teenagers), Music High school (73 students) and Grammar School (89 students). The pupils had to fill in a questionnaire regarding the emersion of fatigue. The results were analysed using the Pearson  CHI Square test. Results and discussions: in 45.99% of cases, students are often tired, the calculated differences being statistically significant for a p<0.01 (f=4, χ²=15.500),  fatigue being often acknowledged by Grammar School teenagers. The phenomenon appears in the middle of the week (48.10% ,p>0.001 f=4, χ²=20.862) and at midday (43.03%, p<0.01, f=4, χ²=11.738). The statistically significant differences show a high frequency of positive answers for Grammar School students. One of the factors favouring the appearance of fatigue is the small number of sleeping hours (6-7 hours -75.94%). The calculated differences are statistically significant for a p<0.001 (f=4, χ²=21.716) and show a high frequency of teenagers who sleep a little at Grammar School. Conclusions: the appearance of fatigue is different for each highschool, which enforces an exact knowledge of the features of teenagers’ loads.

Keywords: highschool, scholar load, insufficient sleep.



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How to Cite
The evaluation of scholar fatigue phenomenon and some factors that cause it on a group of teenagers from Iasi. (2017). Global Journal of Sociology: Current Issues, 6(2), 44–49.


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