The effectiveness of cognitive behavioral therapy in enhancing emotion regulation among Santri: A literature review

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Rosyid Arfan Gustama
Nur Hidayah
Fitri Wahyuni


Individuals face daily challenges that can evoke negative emotions like anxiety, sadness, and anger, requiring adaptive coping strategies to maintain mental well-being. When individuals are unable to respond adaptively, they may develop maladaptive behaviors, increasing their psychological distress. This study aims to explore the factors associated with maladaptive behaviors and the effectiveness of adaptive coping strategies in managing these responses. Using a systematic literature review, the researchers identified, screened, and analyzed relevant studies. The SLR involved defining research questions, applying inclusion and exclusion criteria, and assessing study quality, resulting in the selection of 10 key articles from an initial pool of 26. Findings suggest that adaptive coping strategies, such as cognitive-behavioral approaches, effectively reduce maladaptive behaviors and bolster emotional resilience. This review highlights the importance of integrating adaptive strategies in educational and therapeutic settings to help individuals navigate stressors and reduce maladaptive responses. Further research is recommended to develop accessible interventions for promoting resilience in everyday life.

Keywords:  Behavioral therapy; cognitive; effectiveness; emotion regulation.


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How to Cite
Gustama, R. A., Hidayah , N. ., & Wahyuni , F. . (2024). The effectiveness of cognitive behavioral therapy in enhancing emotion regulation among Santri: A literature review. Global Journal of Sociology: Current Issues, 14(2), 12–22.