E-Commerce Free Returns: Are they really free?

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Tanvi Sharma


The expansion of the e-commerce industry is at the speed of thought. However, a big debate arises out of a small question that can the e-commerce industry be ever considered an environmentally clean way of doing business. This research aims to trace how the e-commerce free returns policy adversely affects the environment. The present study is exploratory cum descriptive in nature. The research work is purely doctrinal and is a result of a comprehensive analysis of the existing literature on the said issue. The researcher seeks to add to the existing literature by providing suggestions and a future action plan for the problem so stated above. Based on the findings of this study, it is evident that the e-commerce industry can lead to environmental pollution, especially with fast fashion. The study makes recommendations based on the findings of the study.


Keywords: e-commerce; environment; fast fashion; free returns; online returns.


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How to Cite
Sharma, T. (2021). E-Commerce Free Returns: Are they really free?. International Journal of New Trends in Social Sciences, 5(2), 87–97. https://doi.org/10.18844/ijntss.v5i2.5493