Developing women's business skills and entrepreneurial sustainability through informal entrepreneurship education

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Adeola Adesola Essien
Adedeji Adelekan


The role of women in business and how they contribute to national development cannot be overemphasised. There is a need to understand the role of informal education in enhancing the capacity of female managers and sustaining national growth. Hence, this study aims to establish the effect of informal entrepreneurial education on businesswomen management skills and entrepreneurial sustainability. The survey research design was employed in the study. 385 small and medium enterprises owners who are women were sampled. The regression analysis was employed in the study. The findings reveal that informal entrepreneurial education is a positive and significant driver of businesswomen’s management skills and entrepreneurial sustainability. it is recommended that SMEs owners, especially women, should aggressively increase their daily lives' learning capabilities. These will increase their capacity to improve their operations and discover new ways of doing things that will better enterprises' performance in the long run.


Keywords: Entrepreneurship; informal education; Skills; sustainability; women.


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How to Cite
Essien, A. A., & Adelekan, A. (2021). Developing women’s business skills and entrepreneurial sustainability through informal entrepreneurship education. International Journal of New Trends in Social Sciences, 5(2), 98–112.