A review of the issues in language teaching

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Zahra Pourtousi


Due to the complexity of learning a new language, there are different aspects that need to be taken into consideration while teaching language, especially the English language. Due to the necessity of ascertaining the views of people towards English language teaching, this research aimed to review and summarise most of the theories and models related to the issues of teaching and learning English. In the current paper, the views of different scholars are discussed varying from cognitive views, sociocultural views, identity views and so on. Based on the results of the study, it was found that technological advances bring about huge changes to the educational contexts and one of the reasons behind such advances is the COVID-19 pandemic. Some other researchers connect other aspects to the issues in ELT such as aspects of a good teacher or technological advances. This paper presents some of the issues.

Keywords: Cognition, education, language, teaching, technology;


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How to Cite
Pourtousi, Z. (2022). A review of the issues in language teaching. International Journal of New Trends in Social Sciences, 6(2), 112–120. https://doi.org/10.18844/ijss.v6i2.7594