Predicting the Negative Emotional Symptoms in Relatives of Patients Residing in Intensive Care Unit

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Nidal F. Eshah



Balanced emotions are essential for wellbeing. Having a relative admitted to the intensive care unit (ICU) associated with negative emotional symptoms, and the severity of such symptoms is associated with patients' health status, patients and relatives' characteristics as well. Purposes: To assess the level of depression, anxiety and stress, as well as to identify the predictors of negative emotional symptoms among relatives of Jordanian ICU patients. Methods: Descriptive correlation design was used, and 140 first degree relatives were recruited through convenience sampling. Depression, Anxiety and Stress Scale was used to collect data about relatives’ negative emotional symptoms. Standard multiple regression was conducted to determine the extent to which variance in depression, anxiety and stress could be explained by patients' health status, patients' sociodemographics, and relatives' sociodemographics. Results: Approximately, 56%, 70%, and 76% of relatives are suffering from depression, anxiety and stress respectively. Relatives have been found suffering from mild depression plus moderate anxiety and stress. Patients' Glasgow Coma Scores is the most significant predictor for relatives' stress level. Patients' age and insurance are predictors of relatives' depression, anxiety and stress. Whereas, relatives' gender and age; are the most significant predictors for their negative emotional symptoms. Conclusions: Interestingly, variances in relatives' negative emotional symptoms were explained by patients' sociodemographics and relatives' sociodemographics, more than patients' health status. Therefore, patients' and relatives' sociodemographics should be considered in dealing with relatives' psychological status.This will help nurses to minimize the devastating impact of the negative emotional symptoms on relatives of ICU patients. Keywords: Emotional Symptoms, Intensive, Care Unit.


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How to Cite
Eshah, N. F. (2016). Predicting the Negative Emotional Symptoms in Relatives of Patients Residing in Intensive Care Unit. New Trends and Issues Proceedings on Advances in Pure and Applied Sciences, 2016(7), 21–28.