Euthanasia: Analysis for the Concept from Islamic Perception

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Ahmad Hussien Rayan



Euthanasia is ethically, religiously, and legally charged topic. Health care professionals should integrate spiritual aspects in their decision making regarding euthanasia while dealing with muslim patients. The purpose of this paper is to examine the Islami view for the concept of euthanasia and its permissiblility in Islam, while discussing different ethical and legal aspects that may affect the perspectives of muslims regarding euthanasia. Active euthanasia is prohibited in Islam. This view is strongly supported by laws and ethical princiles in Islamic communites. However, administering analgesic agents that might shorten the patient’s life, with the purpose of relieving the physical pain is accepted, because it is not aimed at killing. On the other hand, negative euthanasia is never accepted. However, withdrawing a futile treatment and allowing death to take its natural course for persons who are already died is acceptable. In this situation, the patient is already dead, and there is no use of keeping life supporting instruments. It is highly recommended for all health care professionals who are providing care for muslim patients to carefully consider the Islamic perspective regarding euthanasia.

Keywords: Euthanasia, Analysis, Concept, Islam, Perception, Law, Ethic


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How to Cite
Rayan, A. H. (2016). Euthanasia: Analysis for the Concept from Islamic Perception. New Trends and Issues Proceedings on Advances in Pure and Applied Sciences, 2016(7), 175–182.