Ship-to-ship tanker transfer operations and risk analysis: Probabil-istic approach

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Mustafa Sökükcü
Cenk Şakar


In recent years, there has been an increase in ship-to-ship cargo transfer operations at sea. In contrast to routine port berthing manoeuvrings, the berthing manoeuvrings of ship-to-ship tanker transfer operations, where the ships are in motion and under open sea conditions, contain many risks, unlike conventional port berthing manoeuvrings. Due to the recent history of ship-to-ship transfer operations, academic studies and risk assessments are limited to only a few studies conducted in recent years. For this reason, the purpose of this study is to perform the probabilistic risk analysis of underway ship-to-ship transfer operations berthing manoeuvring by using fault tree analysis so the risks and relationships between the risks that caused the collision accident were tried to be determined. Based on the findings, in order not to encounter unsafe situations during manoeuvres, weather reports of the transfer zone should be constantly monitored.


Keywords: Berthing, manoeuvring, risk analysis, sea, STS


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How to Cite
Sökükcü, M., & Şakar, C. (2022). Ship-to-ship tanker transfer operations and risk analysis: Probabil-istic approach. New Trends and Issues Proceedings on Advances in Pure and Applied Sciences, 15(15), 01–15.