Message from Editor in chief

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Nilgün Sarp


Dear readers,

We are elated to publish the Selected papers of the 6th International Congress of Nursing (ICON-2022), which was held at the Antalya, Turkey, which took place online from October 12th to 15th, 2022 due to COVID-19 restrictions. Although participants from various countries attended the conference, the chosen papers were from representatives of Cyprus, Turkey, and the United Kingdom, indicating the global nature of the conference and the diversity of viewpoints it provided. These papers are expected to showcase the latest advancements in the field of nursing and healthcare.

The selected papers were standard papers that covered issues of health amid the global pandemic. The selected papers include “ Impact of colleague solidarity on job satisfaction in nurses “, “A study of colorectal cancer screening behaviors, benefits, and barriers among people aged 50 to 70”, “Factors related to organizational silence in nurses working in a university hospital”, “Health beliefs and practices of nurses about the prevention of colorectal cancer”, “The effect of care-related attitudes of palliative patients' relatives on stress levels”, “Factors affecting the level of loneliness of nurses in clinical environments”, “The levels and factors affecting nurses' work alienation”, “Determining the factors affecting sleep quality in oncology patients”, “Factors related to nurses’ attitudes toward the principles of dying with dignity”, “The relationship between ‘meaning in life’ and the level of distress tolerance in nurses” and “Factors related to individual’s innovative characteristics of nurses working in a university hospital”.

The authors hold the belief that the diverse issues and recommendations highlighted in the selected papers will be advantageous to the readers. Therefore, they would like to commend the researchers, editing, and publishing team for their significant contributions towards the successful execution of the study. Their efforts have been greatly appreciated.Dear reader, enjoy reading!!


Best regards,

Prof. Dr. Nilgün Sarp, Final International University, Kyrenia, North Cyprus



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How to Cite
Sarp, N. . (2022). Message from Editor in chief. New Trends and Issues Proceedings on Advances in Pure and Applied Sciences, 2022(1).