Cross-cultural Communication as the Way to Improve the Efficiency of Learning a Foreign Language

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Svetlana Suleimanova
Aiman Kamzina
Tolkyn Seidimkhanova


The article considers the new time; new conditions demanded the immediate and radical revision, both the general methodology and specific methods and techniques of teaching of foreign languages. These new conditions and its prompt entry into the world community, reckless gallops of politics, economy, culture, ideology, mixture and movement of the people and languages, change of the relations between Kazakhstan citizens and foreigners, absolutely new purposes of communication—all these set the new tasks in the theory and practice of teaching of foreign language. The sudden and radical change of social life of our country, its "opening" and entry into the world community returned languages to life, making them a real means of different kinds of communication - the number of which is increasing day by day along with the growth of scientific and technical facilities of communication.    


Keywords: Crossroads of cultures; Lifestyle; Socio-cultural competence; Tolerance


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How to Cite
Suleimanova, S., Kamzina, A., & Seidimkhanova, T. (2017). Cross-cultural Communication as the Way to Improve the Efficiency of Learning a Foreign Language. New Trends and Issues Proceedings on Humanities and Social Sciences, 2(5). Retrieved from


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