Education of The Emotion and Philosophy

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Nurten Gokalp


It cannot be denied that man has emotional properties. The roles and effects of emotions in his life are great. The nature of emotion is studied by different disciplines like morality, philosophy, philosophical psychology, and philosophy of mind, psychology of motivation, learning theory, educational psychology and theology. But each discipline examines this issue from their points of views. Knowing and understanding of man is possible to evaluate all his properties. Again developing and evaluating his relationships with other people are associated with this knowledge. Also human actions are affected by their emotional properties as well as their basic biological and mental properties. As a social being, human being should be educated appropriate training with the social structure. Therefore education should help to man for knowing and understanding of him and the others. In fact the main purpose of education is to develop the raw capabilities of man for living the other people harmoniously and peacefully. This goal directly related with the knowledge of man about his and others’ emotional properties.  Therefore education should be planned with accomplishing this goal.  For this reason it is important to recognize the emotions of man. Also emotion training is an important dimension of education. The necessity of emotion training for society and individual will be discussed by philosophical perspective in this presentation.    


Keywords: Emotion;, man; education of the emotions; emotional training; philosophy


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How to Cite
Gokalp, N. (2016). Education of The Emotion and Philosophy. New Trends and Issues Proceedings on Humanities and Social Sciences, 2(4). Retrieved from (Original work published January 12, 2017)


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