Situations of elderly people on urban renewal process in Ankara

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Ayse Canatan


Keywords: urban renewal; elderly; In big cities, old settlements are in central part of the city and their establishment dates are quite old. Also residents of these neighborhoods are mostly elderly people. They live in these places several years. They have experiences (informal learning matters) about urban life and “their living placesâ€. In this research,  elderly people who are living in Ankara Bahcelievler and Emek neighborhoods confronting the urban renewal process are in the focus. How can they adapt to new life? Whether they have thought about developing new strategies to adapt new conditions? It was made deep interviews with elderly people (N=8) and some real estate consultants ( N= 3) and mukthars (N=2). Elderly people are worried about their homes which they lived at least for 40 years.  They have questions about adaptations also they don’t want to any problem because of they do not have extra income other than their salaries. Their income insufficiency is very important problem to their life. Despite still suffer in reconstruction process  they still want to stay in their own homes.    


ageing; rebuilding;, life long learning


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How to Cite
Canatan, A. (2017). Situations of elderly people on urban renewal process in Ankara. New Trends and Issues Proceedings on Humanities and Social Sciences, 2(4). Retrieved from


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