Impact of foreign direct investments on the economy

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Alzbeta Bielikova
Martina Paliderova


The paper evaluates the influence of foreign direct investments on the economy of the Slovak Republic which forms the necessary part of the international capital movement. More often, governments of individual countries consider them to be a tool for increasing competitiveness. Direct foreign investments influence not only the economic, political and social aspects in the host country but in the mother country as well and they play a key role in the economy performance growth.

Keywords: foreign direct investments; sector structure of FDI; regional structure of FDI; FDI effects; structure of the economy;


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How to Cite
Bielikova, A., & Paliderova, M. (2017). Impact of foreign direct investments on the economy. New Trends and Issues Proceedings on Humanities and Social Sciences, 3(4), 235–240.


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