Teacher candidates' use of instructional technology And Material Development Self Efficacy Processing Scale: A Study Of Developing Scale

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Ugur basarmak


The purpose of this study is to develop a scale for processing teacher candidates’use of instructional technology and material development self efficacy . A draft of the scale which contained 52 items; was composed based on researcher’s field scanning and both the opinions of experts and students. A draft of the scale was applied to 499 students who are taking instructional technology and material development lesson and attending to different departments at University of Ahi Evran in 2014-2015 academic year. At the end of the Factor Analysis, a scale was obtained totally 34 items with 5 factors. The structure which was obtained at the end of the Explanatory Factor Analysis was tested whether it was verified by construct validity or not.Regarding Self Suffiency processing scale, five factor solution model’s goodness of fit test shows that the model (the
hypothesis model) corresponds to the observed data. The scale’s KMO (Kaiser – Meyer - Olkin) value was .944, the Bartlett test value was .00 and Cronbach- Alpha Internal Consistency was .95.
Keywords: Teacher candidates, instructional technologies, self-efficacy, scale.


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How to Cite
basarmak, U. (2017). Teacher candidates’ use of instructional technology And Material Development Self Efficacy Processing Scale: A Study Of Developing Scale. New Trends and Issues Proceedings on Humanities and Social Sciences, 3(1), 584–591. https://doi.org/10.18844/prosoc.v3i1.1823