Contemporary art as tool for reinterpretation of museum exposition

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Vasya Delibaltova


This study presents theoretical grounds and expert evaluation of one model of reinterpretation of museum exposition. This model was created on the base of work of contemporary art and realized in National Military Museum during exposition dedicated to World War II. The implementation of specific activity is facilitated by 4 students - 1 in the third and 3 in the fourth year of the Faculty of Education who participated voluntarily in the project. The expert assessment of the design of the program is carried out by 8 museum professionals from the Military Museum. The recommendations from experts and data from the program implementation allow outlining some specific recommendations regarding the use of contemporary art as a catalyst for the reinterpretation of museum exposition.

Keywords: contemporary art, museum, museum education


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How to Cite
Delibaltova, V. (2017). Contemporary art as tool for reinterpretation of museum exposition. New Trends and Issues Proceedings on Humanities and Social Sciences, 3(5), 61–67. (Original work published July 6, 2017)