Peru and its new challenge in higher education: Towards a research university

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The paradigm of research universities linked to the emergence of university rankings has unified and universalized the criteria relating to the quality of higher education. This situation has led to multiple responses across global society, which has started rating the quality of higher education systems through these rankings, supported by a series of indicators aligned to the characteristics of research universities. Given that the quality of a country’s higher education is one of the fundamental pillars of its development, many countries have started to take government action in this respect. In the case of Peru, the response has been quick, with law 30220 being approved in 2014. It aims to regulate the quality of higher education through a series of specific conditions. By using a Delphi panel, this study analyzes the existing relationship between the conditions set out in law 30220 and the research universities’ intrinsic characteristics.

Keywords: Research University; rankings; Peru; higher education; law 30220.


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How to Cite
Peru and its new challenge in higher education: Towards a research university. (2017). New Trends and Issues Proceedings on Humanities and Social Sciences, 4(1), 446–453.