Technophobia among middle-aged and older adults in Latvia: A pilot study

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Ilona Zariņa


This study examined levels of technophobia in a sample of 124 middle – aged and older adults who were Vidzeme region residents in Latvia. Technophobia was assessed using Rosen and Weil's Measuring Technophobia Instruments, which determine anxiety, cognitions and attitudes towards computer technology. Technophobia levels were tested for differences between the middle-adults and older adults, and the genders. By analyzing the correlation coefficient between women got the data that between age and anxiety, thoughts and attitudes there are weak positive and statistically significant correlation. Between men statistically significant correlation was obtained only between age and anxiety, but between age and the age and thoughts and attitudes were no statistically significant correlation. In Latvia is not carried out such a study.
Keywords: Middle-aged and older adults; aging; technology use; technophobia; technophobia test.


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How to Cite
Zariņa, I. (2023). Technophobia among middle-aged and older adults in Latvia: A pilot study. New Trends and Issues Proceedings on Humanities and Social Sciences, 4(2), 189–195.