Psychological Patterns of Personal and Professional Evolution / Involution of The Parties of Education

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Change of social and professional structure of Russian society has led to an inversion of value priorities in social and individual consciousness. Consumer society has replaced creating society and gave rise to a marginal subject, whose consciousness is focused on the post he/she takes, not the profession, the wish to achieve well-being not by way of selfrealization and becoming a unique professional but by getting undeserved wealth as quickly as possible. Professional evolution has transformed into professional involution. That’s why the problem of personality and professional development of a modern man at all stages of his/her professional evolution becomes extremely important. In the framework of our system approach to personal development a concept of professional development has been created, experimental studies have been conducted, and two alternative models (strategies) of professional work have been identified: the model of individual’s professional development (professional evolution) and the model of adaptive functioning (professional involution). A tailored educational technology of individual’s professional development can transform the adaptive behavior into behavior aimed at creative self-realization in profession. The technology includes four stages of optimization (change) of behavior: preparation, realization, reassessment, action. At each stage motivational, cognitive, affective and behavioral spheres are transformed. A whole complex of influencing methods (traditional and active ones) is used. The concept and the technology of individual’s professional development let us set up innovative projects and continuing educational programs at schools, universities, training institutes at a qualitatively new level, providing for personality and professional development (personal and professional evolution) of the parties of education.

Keywords: personality and professional development; evolution; involution; conception; technology; parties of education.


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How to Cite
Psychological Patterns of Personal and Professional Evolution / Involution of The Parties of Education. (2017). New Trends and Issues Proceedings on Humanities and Social Sciences, 4(5), 94–97.