Reviewing educational children’s books in terms of graphic design in the context of multimedia

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Banu Bulduk


New communication technologies diversifies the teaching materials which are used in the education process.  The development of different tools in the process of achieving learning skills is a result of technological progress which is developing rapidly. Using the new media and multimedia applications in the education process forms the starting point of this paper. The purpose of this study covers the examination of the multimedia applications during e-learning process in the context of design principles and evaluation of them in term of visual design. It is a fact that educational materials which are designed visually saturated and qualified affect perception and comprehension skills of the students. Samples of educational children’s books in multimedia applications based on multimedia design principles which are developed in this respect are evaluated and features of qualified materials are mentioned. Face to face communication system which is required by the traditional education system is turning new communication system into supported materials, thus intelligence, skills, learning abilities of the students are changing multidimensional. So much so that, learning materials in question is capable of addressing more than one senses of a person. In the scope of this study, in terms of providing a person with an effective learning process, the designs of the teaching materials used by the technology are considered visually, both illustrations and design elements and features are examined in terms of graphic design and the research is completed through the necessity of designing a qualified teaching material.

Keywords: multimedia design, learning materials, multimedia design principles, educational children's books, e-book, e-learning, graphic design. 


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How to Cite
Bulduk, B. (2016). Reviewing educational children’s books in terms of graphic design in the context of multimedia. New Trends and Issues Proceedings on Humanities and Social Sciences, 2(1), 7–13.


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