Design and production of a demountable modular infusion pump

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The study aimed to produce a new pump with different and improved features and included three phases. In phase one, we collected the views of 40 nurses on pumps available in the market. In phase two, a pump was designed and a prototype was produced. In phase three, 10 nurses used and evaluated the prototype. The prototype combined three intravenous infusion pumps and one enteral pump in a single machine. Nurses assessed the prototype in a practice laboratory. All nurses found prototype very adequate with respect to carrying and installing. 90% of nurses found the prototype very adequate and practical in general. Moreover, the majority (80%) stated that the prototype produced less noise than the available pumps in the market.
Keywords: Nurse; design; infusion pump; enteral nutrition; patient safety.


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How to Cite
Design and production of a demountable modular infusion pump. (2017). New Trends and Issues Proceedings on Humanities and Social Sciences, 4(2), 139–148.