Three dimensional perception and production process

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Melek Sahan


The purpose of study is to take views of students educated and trained in visual arts and in connection with two or three dimensions and production process.  It has been thought that students predominantly take applied courses such as picture, graphic, lithograph statue as optional atelier courses etc can give general information on this matter during 4 year education and training process. The scope of research has been stinted at the beginning and it has been thought that it has been gained a movement point to study on this matter in more details. In content it has been mentioned as a summary for vision form, perception, visual perception and perception with three dimensions. It has been interviewed with 11 persons that have been total number of senior class students for study. As a result of interviewing with students it has been reached to the opinion that perception with two and three dimensions is different, also it is contained differences in production process and perception and expression with three dimensions are more complicated process.

Keywords: Three dimension, perception, sculpture, painting.


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How to Cite
Sahan, M. (2016). Three dimensional perception and production process. New Trends and Issues Proceedings on Humanities and Social Sciences, 2(1), 61–67.


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