The Need for New Media Technologies in the Teaching of Computer Aided Design Courses in the Digital Design Studio: a Case in the Architecture Department, Covenant University

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J. Iyoha


Students of architecture have as a part of their training, the acquisition of Computer Aided Design proficiency in AutoCAD and Revit and other software, in order to be relevant in the global terrain. Currently, in the curriculum of the study of Architecture in Covenant University, the students are assembled in the Digital Design Studio with the advanced computer graphics suite on each system. As in the case of learning technologies, the use of new media is grounded in its value to support sound pedagogical approaches. This paper investigates the current study methods adopted in Architecture by administering questionnaires to undergraduate and postgraduate students of the 2016/2017 batch. The data collected showed a marked learning gap as a result of the adopted method of teaching. It is expected that the introduction of new media technologies and websites for hands-on training will lead to marked improvement in the knowledge dissemination and acquisition.

Keywords: New media technologies, Teaching of Computer, Digital Design; 


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How to Cite
Iyoha, J. (2017). The Need for New Media Technologies in the Teaching of Computer Aided Design Courses in the Digital Design Studio: a Case in the Architecture Department, Covenant University. New Trends and Issues Proceedings on Humanities and Social Sciences, 4(11), 321–328. (Original work published December 28, 2017)