Assessing and developing social entrepreneurship competencies in university subjects

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Juan-Carlos Tojar-Hurtado
Ligia-Isabel Estrada-Vidal


Universities and other scientific and academic entities have become aware of the need to promote entrepreneurship in higher education. Social entrepreneurship and the values that it promotes are to a large extent consistent with the transversal competencies that must be taught at University. This paper presents a tool (two versions) that allows for the evaluation of social entrepreneurship competencies in university subjects. The tool permits the analysis of the degree to which these competencies are developed in a specific subject, both from the perspective of the students and educators. The two versions (students and faculty) have been validated by experts, and in the case of the student version, a statistical validation has been carried out (reliability and construct validity). The conclusions of this research highlight the relevance of working on social entrepreneurship competencies in university classrooms, as well as the way in which each educator proposes improvement strategies.

Keywords: Social entrepreneurship, competency, licker scales, reliability, factor analysis.


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How to Cite
Tojar-Hurtado, J.-C., & Estrada-Vidal, L.-I. (2019). Assessing and developing social entrepreneurship competencies in university subjects. New Trends and Issues Proceedings on Humanities and Social Sciences, 6(1), 91–99.