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Ayse Dilek ATASOY
Mehmet İrfan YEÅžİLNACAR


Fluoride contents higher than the permissible levels lead to negative effects on the human health. More than 200 million people in the world were adversely affected from the fluoride. Fluoride levels in water were higher than the World Health Organization’s (WHO) recommended level. Endemic fluorosis originating from the consumption of high fluorine water was observed also in some parts of Anatolia. Volcanic formations are found in areas with high fluoride concentrations in ground waters. In this study, fluoride concentration of water was researched in Şanlıurfa where comprised generally sedimental formations and where the fluorosis cases were identified on the primary school students. High fluoride levels were assigned in water samples from the wells in Sarım and Karataş villages in Şanlıurfa.


Keywords: Fluoride, hydrogeochemistry, dental fluorosis, Şanlıurfa





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ATASOY, A. D., YEÅžİLNACAR, M. İrfan, YAZICI, B., & ÖZDEMİR ÅžAHİN, M. (2017). FLUORIDE IN GROUNDWATER AND ITS EFFECTS ON HUMAN HEALTH. World Journal of Environmental Research, 6(2), 51–57. https://doi.org/10.18844/wjer.v6i2.1324


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