An Examination of the Relationship between Flow Parameters and Symptoms According to Fire Phase in a Mine Model
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This study examines the relationship between temperature, CO dispersions, symptoms, and COHb% levels accumulated in the blood on available ventilation conditions in cases of fire at point in an underground mine model. Based on operating parameters (air velocity and direction) of the ventilation system in the underground mine model, fast growing phase fire analyses were conducted according to the heat release rate (HRR) value in the range of 0-61.34MW. In fire scenarios prepared according to the hydrocarbon fuel type (C2.3H4.2O1.3), boundary conditions were calculated depending on the combustion equation considering fuel lower heating value (Qc). CO dispersions inside the tunnel were examined by transferring the time-dependent boundary conditions to the computational fluid dynamics (CFD) program. yCO, COHb%, and COHb%/∆t changes were calculated according to the HRR value. Findings regarding the effects of CO emission (acute and chronic poisoning), were expressed according to the HRR value.
Keywords Combustion Model Design, Heat Release Rate (HRR), Carbon Monoxide emission, Symptoms and Survival Time, Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD);
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