Challenges in English for Specific Purposes: Case-Study of Economics Students

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Djamila djam Benchennane
Mustapha Stambouli


This research work is to investigate the status of English for Specific Purposes course on first year Master students of Economics in their development of English for Specific Purposes. It focuses on one research instrument for data collection which is: classroom observation. The results revealed that teachers of English are not ESP teachers; therefore, they need to collaborate more with subject specialists to improve their own levels and to learn modern methods of teaching, they should also proceed to Needs analysis as far as the learners are concerned. Hence some recommendations and tips are provided so as to boost the students’ learning process.


Key words: collaboration;  ESP; language teachers ; needs analysis, subject specialists


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How to Cite
Benchennane, D. djam, & Stambouli, M. . (2021). Challenges in English for Specific Purposes: Case-Study of Economics Students. Global Journal of Foreign Language Teaching, 11(1), 30–38.