The importance of using games in EFL classrooms

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Emine Gozcu
Cagda Kıvanc Caganaga


This paper aims to find out how games are important and effective when used in EFL classrooms. Two different kinds of qualitative research methods are used to gather the data. These are semi-structured interviews and observation. Multi-method triangulation is used throughout in this study. Kopinak (1999) defines multi-method triangulation as “gathering information pertaining to the same phenomenon through more than one method, primarily in order to determine if there is a convergence and hence, increased validity in research findings†(Kopinak, 1999: 171). Kopinak (1999) states that more detailed and multi-layered information about the fact under study would be provided from using more instruments. It is a case study in which 2 undergraduate students are taught English by using the game called ‘Twister’ which is adapted for teaching. The study sample consisted of people who are between 20-25 years old and live in Lefke. It was determined from the data that games should be employed in second language learning classrooms in terms of providing an atmosphere for EFL learners in which there are fun, motivation and high learning performance.

Key words: games, Twister, vocabulary, EFL classrooms


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How to Cite
Gozcu, E., & Caganaga, C. K. (2021). The importance of using games in EFL classrooms. Cypriot Journal of Educational Sciences, 11(3), 126–135. (Original work published September 27, 2016)