Preservice Elementary Teachers’ Alternative Conceptions of Science

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Isil Koc
Robert E. Yager


This study was conducted to investigate the extent to which preservice elementary teachers held alternative conceptions in fundemental elementary science concepts. Eighty-six preservice elementary teachers participated in this study. Twelve preservice elementary teachers participated in follow-up interviews. Data were collected through the use of Alternative Conceptions in Science Instrument (Schoon, & Boone, 1998), a participant information form, and utilization of interviews. The results indicated that the majority of preservice elementary teachers (67.4%) held a number of alternative conceptions with mostly in the physical science. Various sources of alternative conceptions emerged during the interviews. Findings from the study also confirmed that science courses completed do not seem to have influenced participants’ alternative conceptions. Overall, the results of the study suggest that more consideration be given to identifying and modifying of the alternative conceptions of science so that teachers could better help their own students arriving at more accurate conceptions.


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How to Cite
Koc, I., & Yager, R. E. (2016). Preservice Elementary Teachers’ Alternative Conceptions of Science. Cypriot Journal of Educational Sciences, 11(3), 144–159.