Designing an independently installed educational standard for ‘Teacher Education’

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Voloshina Ludmila Nikolaevna
Demicheva Vera Vladimirovna
Reprintsev Alexander Valentinovich
Stebunova Kira Konstantinovna
Yakovleva Tatyana Viktorovna


The problem of creating self-established educational standards (SES) is considered by the authors associated with the need to ensure the quality of educational programs and quality of preparation of the future teacher to solve new professional problems. The present work is aimed at scientifically recognising the technology of designing SES. Research methods: theoretical (analysis, synthesis and modelling) and empirical: survey methods (questioning and interviewing). Based on the results of employers' satisfaction survey (n = 112), the quality of teacher training and self-assessment of the preparation of graduates of a pedagogical university (n = 123) to perform work functions were defined an algorithm for developing SES in the direction of ‘Pedagogical education’, including analytical and diagnostic, modelling and reflexive stages. In general, the technology of preparing and introducing an SES ensures the integration of pedagogical science and practice and the development of continuous pedagogical education in the context of a regional scientific and educational cluster.

Keywords: Pedagogy, vocational education, pedagogical education, teacher education


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How to Cite
Nikolaevna, V. L., Vladimirovna, D. V., Valentinovich, R. A., Konstantinovna, S. K., & Viktorovna, Y. T. (2019). Designing an independently installed educational standard for ‘Teacher Education’. Cypriot Journal of Educational Sciences, 14(2), 294–302.

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