Teachers’ perceptions on development and implementation of History 2167 syllabus in Zimbabwe

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Walter Sengai
Matseliso L. Mokhele


The purpose of this study is to examine the perceptions of teachers on the development and implementation process of the History 2167 syllabus reform in Zimbabwe. Successful implementation of syllabus reforms depends on teachers’ ownership and knowledge about the reform ideas. Teachers are the closest individuals to the circumstances of the decisions made and their role as implementers gives them a significant influence on curriculum decisions. However, studies on syllabus development and implementation have often explored these processes using the input from other stakeholders while overlooking teacher perceptions. Data for this qualitative phenomenological study were generated from transcripts of in-depth interviews with five purposively sampled history teachers drawn from five secondary schools in the Glen. View/ Mufakose District in Harare Metropolitan Province. Findings showed that the success of curriculum reforms largely rests on the shoulders of teachers, since they are the ones who put reform ideas into practice. We conclude that in order for curriculum reforms to succeed, the policy-makers and teachers should work harmoniously to cultivate appropriate instructional practices. We recommend that teachers should actively participate in the syllabus development process, as well as have the power to influence the decisions about the implementation of the curriculum.

Key words: development and implementation; History 2167 syllabus; syllabus reform; teachers’ perceptions.


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How to Cite
Sengai , W., & Mokhele , M. L. . (2021). Teachers’ perceptions on development and implementation of History 2167 syllabus in Zimbabwe. Cypriot Journal of Educational Sciences, 16(3), 916–927. https://doi.org/10.18844/cjes.v16i3.5763