The influence of knowledge sharing and competence on academic performance

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Rasto Rasto
Sambas Ali Muhidin
Fahmi Jahidah Islamy
Dini Handayani


This study goals to conclude the results of knowledge sharing and academic competence. The results obtained in this research aid as a orientation for stakeholders in the world of education to improve academic performance through knowledge sharing and competence so that the quality of learning increases. Questionnaires were distributed to 100 PTN students in Bandung in 2020. Sampling was carried out by using probability sampling method, this study uses path analysis. This analysis is used to define the causal relationship among variables sharing knowledge, competence and direct academic performance. and indirect influence. The results presented that there were indications of a affirmative and significant relationship among knowledge sharing and competence, knowledge sharing and academic performance, but there was a affirmative but not significant relationship between knowledge sharing through competence on academic performance.


Keywords: Knowledge sharing, competence, academic performance


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How to Cite
Rasto, R., Muhidin , S. A. ., Islamy , F. J. ., & Handayani , D. . (2021). The influence of knowledge sharing and competence on academic performance. Cypriot Journal of Educational Sciences, 16(3), 928–938.