The effect of indirect feedback on students’ writing performance across different learning strategies

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Aridah Aridah
Weningtyas Parama Iswari


This paper aims at knowing how indirect feedback affects the writing performance of students who have different language learning strategies. The study used pre-experimental design with pretest and posttest design. Twenty-one students participated in the treatment which lasted for one semester. The treatment applied a process writing approach in which feedback provision was one of the steps in the process. The students were required to write five essays on different topics and the teacher gave indirect feedback on each essay draft. During the revision session, the students revised and rewrote their essays following the feedback provided by the teacher. The last version of each essay was scored. The results showed the students’ writing performance significantly improved from the first essay to the succeeding essays, regardless of their learning strategies. However, a significant difference in writing performance across different learning strategies was not found. They both performed equally well.


Keywords: Direct Strategies, Indirect Strategies, Indirect Feedback, Process Approach, Writing Performance


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How to Cite
Aridah , A. ., & Iswari, W. P. (2021). The effect of indirect feedback on students’ writing performance across different learning strategies . Cypriot Journal of Educational Sciences, 16(3), 1021–1035.