Heroe’s model: Case study to reduce students’ learning loss and anxiety

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Heru Kurniawan
Budiyono Budiyono


The spread of COVID-19 in all countries is forcing a change from face-to-face learning to online learning. Of course, the implementation of online learning cannot be separated from the obstacles and threats of decreasing the quality of education, one of which is the threat of learning loss and anxiety. This study aims to see and reduce learning loss and learning anxiety in higher education through the application of Heroe’s math online learning model. This study is a qualitative descriptive study using diagnostic tests, self-development tests, self-rating anxiety scale test, self-assessment questionnaires and interviews as data collection instruments. Data analysis used technical triangulation. The results showed that with the application of Heroe’s math online learning model there were no learning loss symptoms and showed a decrease in students’ anxiety levels. The results of this study have an important meaning that the need for handling and adaptation to learning barriers due to changes in the learning environment is not certain.   


Keywords: Anxiety, higher education, Heroe’s model, learning loss


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How to Cite
Kurniawan , H. ., & Budiyono , B. . (2021). Heroe’s model: Case study to reduce students’ learning loss and anxiety . Cypriot Journal of Educational Sciences, 16(3), 1122–1140. https://doi.org/10.18844/cjes.v16i3.5830