Inclusive religious education to develop religious tolerance among teenagers

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Suparjo Suparjo
Muh. Hanif
Indiana S. Dimas
Arief Efendi


Teenagers in the present era become a portrait of the nation's future. Their inclusive religiosity determines the relationship between Indonesian religious people and the multicultural world community. However, teenagers are particularly vulnerable to the influence of various religious thoughts and practices of referral groups in the surrounding environment. Therefore, schools must be productive arenas in seeding inclusive religiousness as a condition for realising a harmonious life for religious people. This research is urgent to find a pattern of inclusive religious education that can develop religious tolerance in teenage students. This research was qualitative research with an ethnographic approach. The setting of this research was Public Senior Higher School in Yogyakarta. The results show that inclusive religious education patterns could encourage the growth of student religious tolerance, and students with different faiths can interact harmoniously and work together.


Keywords: Inclusive education, religious, tolerance, teenagers.


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How to Cite
Suparjo, S., Muh. Hanif, Dimas, I. S., & Efendi, A. (2022). Inclusive religious education to develop religious tolerance among teenagers. Cypriot Journal of Educational Sciences, 17(8), 2861–2876.